Brief Persian History or Persian Literature

General Description

Persian history is one of the maximum historical histories of the sector. It produced a number of the classical and cutting-edge poet, who worked day and night for its survival. Persian formally has spoken in Iran, Afghanistan (Dari) and Tajikistan. Therefore, greater than a hundred and ten million Persian speakme humans in the world.

The Origin Persian Language

The Persian language is one of the sweetest language in the global. It changed into an Indo-European tongue with near similarity with the oldest language Sanskrit and Avestan ( the language used in holy books of Zoroastrian's). The language developed in Pars after the autumn of Achaemenian's authorities. This language often used there from Pahlavi generation to Sassanian era. The books and other literature of this period are very uncommon, however, Ferdowsi (a renowned Persian poet) explained it in a better way in his book (Shah Namaeh-e-Ferdowsi).

Influence of Arabic Language

Arab conquests have conquered Pars and surroundings. They commenced rehabilitation in the vicinity for the welfare of the general public. Therefore, the Arabic language declared because the legit language. They began their non secular and academic schooling within the Arabic language. However, Pahlavi language changed into spoken in personal lifestyles. The Arab conquests ruled over Pars for a century and a half of. In this way, a big number of Arabic phrases emerged in Pahlavi and a new language got here into being that's known as Persian.

After fall of Arab rulers, Arabic persevered in Iran at small scale due to the fact the opposite important gaining knowledge of language Latin was utilized in Europe. In this way, the Arabic gradually reduced. Despite the facts that famous religious students and Muslim scientists Abu Ali Sina (Avicenna), Al-Beroni, Rhazes, Al Ghazali and plenty of different had been also the use of Arabic. Persian language evolved unexpectedly and become the car of literature. Moreover, it spread closer to the neighboring international locations. Persian poets labored a lot for its advertising and the ruling class of sub-continent takes keen interest in Persian poetry. Mughal emperor Akbar undertake Persian as an professional language.

Interest of Poets in Promotion of Persian Language

Persian scholars took the keen interest in promoting of Persian language and make it easy for readers. Moreover, Persian poets have also performed a essential role in its merchandising. Abu Abdullah Jaffar ibn-e-Muhammad Roudaki (born in 858 CE in Panjakent, Tajikistan and died in 941 CE) and Abu Mansoor Muhammad ibn-e -Ahmed Daqiqi Tusi (born in Tus, Iran) are the most outstanding Persian poets. Roudaki is generally known as the first Persian poet.

The Ghaznavid and early Seljuq Periods

Sultan Mahmood Ghaznavi changed into a brave Muslim king, who loves with students and eminent personalities. At about 4 hundred poets and eminent men and women had been connected together with his workplace (DURBAR). The maximum superb poet of his presidency become Ansari (born in 961 at Balkh) Ferdowsi (born in 940 in a village Paj, close to the metropolis of Tus, Khurasan and died in 1020). Ferdowsi wrote Shahnamah in 25 years which include entire Persian history. However, Farrukhi, Manouchehri and Asadi were also well-known poets of Sultan Mahmood Ghaznavi. Sultan Mahmood Ghaznavi served his country inside the field of training. He set up plenty of libraries in each and each corner of his nation. Al Biruni changed into the most famous prose creator of Ghaznavid era, who wrote "Chronology of Ancient Nations" in Arabic.

Saljuqi Era

Saljuq era is the second classical period of Persian literature. It become the golden age of Persian prose and poetry in Persian history. Kemiya-e-Saadat (The Alchemy of Happiness) written by means of Imam Ghazali is one the most popular prose of this era. Some of the renowned books are as beneath:-

Siasat Nama. The book has been written by using Nizam ul Mulk, who become a minister of Alp Arsalan and Malik Shah. It include whole art of government and answer of political troubles.

• Qabus Nama. Baheeqi has defined the history of Ghaznavid generation in this e book.

• Chahar Maqala. Nizami wrote Chahar Maqala means four discourses.

• Kalila wa Dimna. Nasar Ullah has written this ebook. It include the animal fables of Indian foundation.

• Nasir-e-Khosrow.

Classical Persian Poets

Abu Moeen Hamid Uddin ibn Khosrow al-Qubadiani or Nasir-e-Khosrow (born in 1004 in village Qubadiyon, Bactria, Khorasan and died in 1088 at Yamgan, Afghanistan) became every other exquisite author of classical Persian history, who wrote extra than fifteen books. However, much less than 1/2 of these books have survived and available now. One of his well-known book is Safar Nama, which includes the records of journey towards Egypt. He turned into an Ismaili Shia sect pupil, tourist and philosopher. His poetry and prose are well-known for purity of language and surprising of technical skill. The poems of Nasir are prolonged odes. Nasir wrote poems on non secular and moral topics.

Famous scholar Mirza Muhammad Qazvini says that call of Nasir Khosrow may additionally brought within the listing of top Persian poets i.E. Ferdowsi, Omar Khayyam, Anwari, Romi, Sheikh Saadi and Hafiz Sheerazi. Some of the opposite maximum distinguished Persian poets are Ansari, Abu Said, Khawaqani, Nizami, Attar and Baba Tahir Uryian.

Poet of Force Theory

Omar Khayyam (Ghayas Uddin Abul Fateh Omer Ibrahim Khayyam Nishapuri) changed into born in 18 May 1048 at Nishapur, Khorasan and died in four December 1131. He changed into a first-rate scholar, mathematician, astronomer and poet. Khayyam has overtly criticized religious subjects and personalities in his poetry. He has continually referred and hailed himself as a terrific Sufi. The foremost subject of his poetry is hedonism tinged with a mild sadness, the energy of destiny and ultimate ignorance / unawareness of people. Therefore, his poetry was in large part unnoticed in Iran until the stop of 19th century in this account. However, Iranian found out the significance of Khayyam's poetry whilst Fitzgerald translated it within the west.

Attached Classical Poets

Sanai is every other remarkable poet of classical Persian history who adopted the style of Nasir-e-Khosrow. Muaizi, Anwari and Khaqani are the opposite superstar poets of classical Persian records. They have written numerous books in Persian language. Most of their poetry comprise on panegyric. The fashion of Anwari is relatively hard from all different the poets of identical generation. However, Khaqani is extra mannered, who respected by way of all. He used technical language with great ability in his poetry. All those poets were popular in Iran however much less appreciated inside the west because of their technical language.

Nizami (Jamal Uddin Abu Muhammad Ilyas ibn Yousaf ibn Zaki) is another vivid big name and Sunni poet in classical Persian history. He became born in 1140 at Ganja, Caucasus and died in 1209. He became a creative poet and referred to as expert of Khamsah or Quintet (collection of five romantic poetry). Nizami wrote a mystical epic "Makhzan ul Asrar" or Treasure House of Secrets, romantic poetry "Khosro-o-Shireen" and Laila-o-Majnoon, tale of great Alexander "Sikandar Namah" and Haft Paikar which incorporate the records of Bahram Gur. These books are very popular in Iran due to its romantic, colourful and original writing fashion.

Abu Hamid bin Abu Bakar Ibrahim alias Farid Uddin Attar (born in 1145 in Nishapur and died in 1220 Khorasan). He was a outstanding Sufi, religious and didactic poet in classical Persian history. Historians are at the opinion that he was born in all likelihood in 1136 (now not conform). Manteq-ut-Tair is considered one of his maximum famous e-book. Fitzgerald translated this e-book as "The Bird Parliament". Attar has explained the tale of birds symbolically for union of people with God in a great amusing. He gave an example of Semorgh (chicken) in his e-book, who wish to make their king.

Persian History in Thirteenth Century

Ashraf Uddin Mosleh Uddin Saadi referred to as Sheikh Saadi and Maulana Jalal Uddin Romi were the maximum famous Sunni Sufi poets of thirteen century in Persian records. Sheikh Saadi turned into born in Shiraz town of Iran. His genuine date of start isn't always recognized, but, the modern history writers of Iran says that Saadi was born in 1184 AD and died in among 691 to 694 AH. The historian says that Sheikh Saadi has spent his life in four elements. Sheikh Saadi studied for 30 years, then he travelled the world for 30 years, then he spent 30 years in writing of books and poetry and the closing existence became spent in recluse and theosophy.

Jalal uddin Rumi

Jalal Uddin Muhammad Rumi referred to as Maulan Rumi became born on 30 September 1207 in Balkh (presently a northern province of Afghanistan) and died on 17 December 1273. He belongs to an Arab extended family, who have been popular for his or her non secular services. "MASNAVI MAANAVI" become his famous e book which changed into finished in ten years. He recognized Persian, Arabic, Turkish and Greek languages.

Hameed Ullah Mostofi changed into also a renowned writer of Persian records. He wrote records and geography. "Zafar Namah" or Book of Victory is his renowned e book which incorporates of 75,000 couplets. Nasir Uddin Tusi is likewise a famous Persian poet who wrote on philosophy and common sense. The different three famous poets of thirteenth century are Iraqi who wrote a mystical and non secular book "LAMAAT" or Flashes.

Abdul Hassan Yamin Uddin Khosrow alias Ameer Khosrow become born in 1253 at Patiyali Sultanate Dehli, presently Uterpardesh India and died October 1325 in Delhi India. Khosrow wrote in Persian, Arabic and Hindi languages. He changed into famous for his candy language and additionally referred to as as "The parrot of India". At last a satirist poet Zakani is likewise the most favorite poet of 13th century.

The Fifteenth Century onwards

Fifteenth century of Persian records is rich in provision of wonderful historians and poets. Nizam Uddin Shami the writer of Zafar Namah (a history of Taimur), Yazdi, Hafiz Abru, Khafi, Dawlat Shah and Mir Khand (author of Rauzat-us-Safa or Garden of Purity) Dawani (writer of Akhlaq-e-Jalali), Kashafi (author of Kalila wa Dimna also known as Anwar-e-Subaili or the Lights of Canopus). The distinguished poets of fifteenth century are Sufi Maghribi, Qasim-e-Anwar, Katibi, Nemat Ullah Wali and Jami.

Noor Uddin Abdul Rahman Jami is seemed as ultimate eminent figure of classical Persian literature in Persian history. He become born in 1414 at Nishapur, Khorasan and died on 19 November 1492 in Herat, Afghanistan. Jami wrote extra than 45 treasured books. Some of his well-known books are "Baharistan", "Yousaf-wa-Zulaikha", "Suleman-wa-Absal", "Lawaih", the precious pearl, and "Laila-wa-Majnoon". Persian poetry fallen into decline after the unexpected loss of life of Jami. Jame was a first-rate loss for Persian poetry.

Hatif become any other promising romantic and historic poet in Persian records. He become the promising nephew of Maulana Rumi, who deeply inspired from him. Other followers of Rumi were Asifi, Fighani (referred to as "the little Hafiz", Ahli and the Sufi poet Hilali. Khairati, Qasmimi, Kashi, Shani, Fasihi and Shafai are the famous Persian poets of 16th century.

Prominent Poets

Mirza Muhammad Ali Saeb Tabraizi, the following prominent and educated poet of seventeenth century who considered as fine Persian poet after Maulana Jami in Persian records. A brilliant minded and unique Persian poet in Persian history. He became born at Isfahan, Iran in 1602 and died in 1677. Saeb also remain connected with court docket (DARBAR) of Mughal emperor Shah Jehan in India however quickly lower back to Iran and joined the court of Shah Abbas II. He worked difficult on relate of current poetry with old paperwork and created a new college.

Azhar is one among his follower in eighteenth century, who was famous for top notch prose writing. He wrote Atesh Kadah (the region of fire-worship), which comprise biographies of extra than eight hundred poets. Azhar also wrote a Divan and a romantic epic. He wrote plenty on records and autobiographies of poets and monarchs / rulers.

Saba become the laureate poet of second Qajar Irani emperor Fateh Ali Shah, who dominated Iran from June 1779 to October 1834. Saba became the eminent poet of 19th century in Persian records. He wrote a divan and Shahan Shah Namah. Mirza Habib Ullah Shirazi alias Qaani is every other wise, tremendous and famous poet of Qajar technology in Persian records. He changed into born in 1223 AH in Shiraz and died in Tehran in 1270 AH, who wrote famend e book titled PARESHAN. Qaani also is aware of Arabic, English, French languages along with Persian language.

Modern Persian Poets or Revival of Persian Literature

Revival of Persian literature said from early twentieth century. Prince Iraj Mirza has participated loads in its revival. Iraj changed into a first rate and proficient Persian poet in Persian records. He changed into born in October 1874 in Tabraiz, the capital Azarbaijan (presently east Azarbaijan) and died in March 1926. Iraj Mirza worked for freedom of girls. The different distinguished Persian poets of 20th are Adib, Bahar, Lahuti, Shahryar, Aref and the poetess Parvin E'tesami.

The Persian poets of maximum present day technology Nima Yoshij, Raadi, Khanlari, Islami, Gulchin, Ahmed Shamlou, Mehdi Akhavan Sales, Masood Farzad, Sohrab Sepehri, Fereedon, Moshiri, Sadiq Hadayat, Samad Behrangi and Sadiq Choubak. The modern-day distinguished woman poets of modern era are Forough Farrukhzad.
Brief Persian History or Persian Literature Brief Persian History or Persian Literature Reviewed by blogsott on April 16, 2019 Rating: 5

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